
Girls Basketball and Wrestling Tryouts/Start Dates
To all interested in Girls Basketball, and Wrestling Page will be hosting tryouts for these two Winter Sports coming soon. 7th and 8th Grade GIRLS BASKETBALL TRYOUTS will be THURS Jan 30th - FRI Jan. 31st in the Page Main Gym from 3:15 - 5:00 pm. Please be sure to come with any and all attire/equipment you may need. There will be an informational players meeting on THURS Jan. 23rd from 2:40 - 2:55 pm in the cafeteria. WRESTLING practices (open to all grades, all students) will begin MON Feb. 10th from 3:15-5:15 pm in the Page Auxiliary Gym. Please be sure to come with any and all attire/equipment you may need, including proper wrestling shoes, proper practice attire, etc.** There will be conditioning the week of MON Feb. 3rd thru FRI Feb. 7th from 3:15 - 4:45 pm. Please come dressed in shorts/sweats/athletic pants, a shirt (also bring a hoodie), and athletic shoes.→ If you need wrestling shoes or choose to purchase your
More About Girls Basketball and Wrestling Tryouts/Start Dates
Attention 6th Grade Girls interested in Basketball
Due to low numbers on our 7th grade basketball team, we will be holding an emergency tryout for any 6th grade girls that wish to join our 7th grade basketball team on FRIDAY February 7th after school (3:15 - 5 pm). Any girl that wishes to play must have an updated sports physical (dated April 15, 2024 or after) and will eventually need to create and complete a Big Teams account. It should be noted that this is a unique situation and we (and many schools in our league) do not typically offer this opportunity to 6th graders to play on our 7th grade basketball teams. But in the spirit of competition, and wanting to ensure we have a season, we are going to offer this one-time opportunity. If you are interested, please go get a sports physical (unless you already have one), and we hope to see you Friday. Please bring the physical WITH YOU to school, OR send it to our Main Office. You can also feel free to contact Coach McLellan (casey.mclellan@lamphereschools.o
More About Attention 6th Grade Girls interested in Basketball
HELPFUL VIDEOS- Athletic Expectations and Completing Big Teams
Student Athletes, Families, and other Interested Parties,We have uploaded a couple of helpful videos to our athletics website. They can be found in the "VIDEOS" section of the banner at the top of our home page. One is a helpful navigation video to better understand what's on our website, and what resources we offer for our student-athletes, families and support team, as well as visiting spectators, teams, and officials. The other is a tutorial on how to successfully create and complete your Big Teams Athletic account, which will be utilized for your entire athletic career here in the prestigious Lamphere School District.
More About HELPFUL VIDEOS- Athletic Expectations and Completing Big Teams
Winter Sports Celebration THURS MARCH 20th
Hello athletes and families! We are planning on having our Winter Sports Celebration for our student-athletes on THURSDAY March 20th from 3:15 - 4:30 pm in the auditorium and finishing in the cafeteria. Due to certain space and staff constraints and precautions, athletes must apply for a ticket to this event by clicking and completing the Winter ticket form (it has also been sent to their email). Family members are able to attend if their student-athlete has signed up. Family members do not need a ticket. Any student-athlete that does NOT complete a form will NOT be allowed to attend. Ticket forms will need to be submitted and due NO LATER THAN Monday March 17th at 3 pm. We do ask that any student-athlete in attendance is ready to be picked up by 4:30 pm, and we appreciate your cooperation and support. Congrats on all your good work this season, and we wish you luck in your next athletic endeavors! Respectfully,Page Athletics
More About Winter Sports Celebration THURS MARCH 20th
Winter II Sports Pictures
Dear athletes and family, We will be taking team and individual pictures for WINTER II Sports (Wrestling and Girls Basketball) on THURSDAY February 20th at 3:15. Athletes will meet their coaches in the Main Gym, though some pictures may be taken outside. Coaches will be giving their athletes a picture form, but you can also check out their website for more info and order online: https://www.vsnmichigan.com/ Please be sure to arrive with your game uniform and your picture form ready. Thanks for your support. Go Panthers!
More About Winter II Sports Pictures
Page Athletics WINTER II Sports Practice Schedule
Page Athletics WINTER II Sports Practice Schedule ** IMPORTANT: Please have a ride arranged to pick you/your athlete up five minutes prior to the end of practice (as best you can). It is very important that we honor and respect everyone’s time. GIRLS BASKETBALLTeam MeetingTHURS Jan. 23rd 3:15 - 4 pm in the Page cafeteria (meeting, prep, and paperwork check)TryoutsTHURS Jan. 30th - FRI Jan. 31st 3:15 - 5:00 pm in the Main Gym Practices: MON - FRI 3:15 - 5:00 pm (non-game days) Main Gym **ALL HOME GAMES at Page MS ** ONE-WAY Bus departs from Page at 3:30 pm for AWAY games- players must get a ride home WRESTLINGConditioning MON Feb. 3 - FRI Feb. 7, 3:15 - 4:30 pmPractices begin MON Feb. 10thPractices: 3:15 - 5:30 pm ** ONE-WAY Bus departs from Page at 3:30 pm for AWAY games- players must get a ride home** On SATURDAY Meets, athletes will need to provide their own transportation to
More About Page Athletics WINTER II Sports Practice Schedule
Student Attendance Policy for Athletic Events
Hello students and families,Just a friendly reminder about our attendance policy for participation in ANY athletics event (including, but not limited to tryouts, practice, games, other team functions, etc.):"Students are to attend a minimum of three class periods during the total school day in order to participate in athletics during the same day or evening. Students who miss 4th, 5th, and 6th hour must have a verified medical reason and meet with the Athletic Director to clear practice or game participation. Should there be a situation whereby a student cannot attend school and would normally receive an excused absence, the student will be allowed to participate in the contest with approval of the building principal or designee."Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Go Panthers!
More About Student Attendance Policy for Athletic Events
Athletic Equipment Turn-In Policy
Page Middle School Athletic Equipment Turn-In Policy Congratulations on your student-athlete being a part of our Page athletic team. We are proud of all of our hard-working Panthers and their successes in and out of athletics. As the season concludes, they will need to wash and return any uniform/apparel that belongs to the school, and return to their coaches any equipment that was borrowed for use during their practices/competitions. ALL equipment must be returned to the coaches (even if they cannot complete the season), so the coaches can make a record of their equipment being returned appropriately. Equipment or uniforms just left in the locker room or in a hallway may be missed and result in unnecessary fines. So please, turn your equipment back into your coaches.Please understand that until the equipment is either returned or replaced (fines paid), your student-athlete is NOT eligible to compete in another sport for the district nor attend any external school f
More About Athletic Equipment Turn-In Policy
Information for attending Athletic Events at Lamphere High School
Home Athletic Events at Lamphere High School: LHS has begun a soft rollout of their digital ticketing system for general admission and student tickets. During the fall season, you can purchase tickets through the S2 Pass digital ticketing system or by presenting a credit card at the gate. Our goal is to fully transition to a cashless system by the winter season. At this time, we are encouraging the use of S2 system, which you can access here: Google App Store - Google Play Store - Android Apple Store - App Store - iPhone Tickets prices are: General Admissions (18-59)- $5.00 Student (MS and HS) with 24/25 student ID- $2.00Elementary Students and Senior Citizens (60+)- Free All Page MS and Lamphere HS students are required to present a current student ID to enter home games.All middle and elementary students MUST be accompanied by a p
More About Information for attending Athletic Events at Lamphere High School
Fall Sports Celebration THURS NOV. 7th
Hello athletes and families! We are planning on having our Fall Sports Celebration for our student-athletes on THURSDAY November 7th from 3:15 - 4:40 pm in the auditorium and finishing in the cafeteria. Due to certain space and staff constraints and precautions, athletes must apply for a ticket to this event by clicking and completing the Fall ticket form (it has also been sent to their email). Family members are able to attend if their student-athlete has signed up. Family members do not need a ticket. Any student-athlete that does NOT complete a form will NOT be allowed to attend. Ticket forms will need to be submitted and due NO LATER THAN Monday November 4th at 3 pm. We do ask that any student-athlete in attendance is ready to be picked up by 4:40 pm, and we appreciate your cooperation and support. Congrats on all your good work this season, and we wish you luck in your next athletic endeavors! Respectfully,Page Athletics
More About Fall Sports Celebration THURS NOV. 7th
Create and Complete your Big Teams Account!!
Hello Student Athletes and Families! If you have any interest in participating in a sport at Page this year, please be sure to create an account and complete all the necessary paperwork and forms. Click this link for a helpful document that can help you create and complete your account. You may also call our Main Office (248-589-3428) for additional assistance. ** If you are having any technical issues with passwords or logging in, please contact Big Teams by calling their hotline at 866-448-9438, or emailing them at support@bigteams.com.
More About Create and Complete your Big Teams Account!!Team News

Girls 7th Basketball vs. Wolfe Middle School
Girls 7th BasketballThe 7th grade team lost 13-20 to Wolfe Middle School. Panthers were led in scoring by Heidi Hilla with 6 pts. Vayda West had 3, while Jazzlyn Marshall and Julie Skinner each had 2. It was a solid effort by the girls, and they look to best them next time!
More About Girls 7th Basketball vs. Wolfe Middle School
Girls 8th Basketball vs. Wolfe Middle School
Girls 8th BasketballThe Page 8th grade girls basketball team started their season with a victory over Wolfe Middle School, 28-15 last night. Alyssa Watchowski had 9 points and Lucy Lonero added 8. Abby Thomas and Payton Hill provided great defense. Great job by the entire team!
More About Girls 8th Basketball vs. Wolfe Middle School
Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Girls Middle School CheerleadingThe Page Panthers’ Competitive Cheer teams continued their string of victories this season this past weekend. For their final competition, Team Gold came in 3rd and Team Black placed 2nd at the Warren Woods Tower Invite. The girls excelled in almost every fashion, and we are so proud of them!
More About Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Girls Middle School CheerleadingThe Henry Ford II Falcon Frost Competition was a clean sweep for our hard working girls! Team Black took FIRST PLACE, while Team Gold took SECOND PLACE, with just six points separating their scores. We definitely have some talented cheerleaders at Page Middle School, and our coaches and supporters are proud of all their efforts and outstanding performances. The team's final competition is this Saturday at the Warren Woods Tower Invite on Saturday Feb 8th (doors open at 12:30 pm). We hope to see many there!
More About Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Boys 8th Basketball vs. Wolfe Middle School
Boys 8th BasketballThe 8th grade team took a win last night against Wolfe in the final game of their Page basketball! Each player had a great game last night. There was very good ball movement on offense, and the defense clamped down on Wolfe’s shooters and did a good job closing the lane. It was a great team effort to end the season and congratulations to Jadyen Lee for stepping out on the court and making a basket!
More About Boys 8th Basketball vs. Wolfe Middle School
Boys 7th Basketball vs. Wolfe Middle School
Boys 7th BasketballThe 7th grade boys basketball team played their best game of the season, defeating Wolfe Middle School 41-23. Adrian Felton led the team with an impressive double-double, scoring 12 points and grabbing 15 rebounds. Ethan Grew contributed 8 assists and knocked down two crucial three-pointers, finishing with 7 points. Bradley Sweitzer added 6 points, while Rymez Williams, Tegan Beverlin, Semaj Henry, Parker Stankrauff, and Lorenzo Estrella each scored a basket.It was a fantastic team effort and the perfect way to close out the season. Thank you for your support throughout the year!
More About Boys 7th Basketball vs. Wolfe Middle School
Boys 8th Basketball vs. Eastpointe Middle School
Boys 8th BasketballThe 8th Grade team secured a solid victory last night against Eastpointe, finishing with a 37-25 score. Amaree Foster led the charge, scoring 13 points for the team. Max Tozer and Murphy Whalen each contributed 6 points. Both Ashton Binyard and Max Tozer went a perfect 2-for-2 from the free-throw line.Murphy Whalen, Ryland Giannini, and Miles Johnson displayed excellent court vision on offense. Their smart decision-making in when to attack the net, pull the defense away from the basket and find open teammates created several key opportunities for the team. It was a great all-around effort from the boys.
More About Boys 8th Basketball vs. Eastpointe Middle School
Boys 7th Basketball vs. Eastpointe Middle School
Boys 7th BasketballThe 7th-grade boys’ basketball team lost a tough game against Eastpointe Middle School. Adrien Felton led the Panthers with an impressive performance, scoring 6 points, grabbing 14 rebounds, and blocking 4 shots. Ethan Grew and Bradley Sweitzer contributed defensively with 4 steals each, while Semaj Henry played outstanding team defense.
More About Boys 7th Basketball vs. Eastpointe Middle School
Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Girls Middle School CheerleadingCongrats to our Page Panthers Competitive Cheer Teams, who competed at the Ram Rumble at Lamphere High School on Saturday. Team Black took 1st place with an all-time high score of 466 points, and Team Gold finished 2nd! Both teams improved their scores by roughly 30 points each from the prior week.These girls had a goal in mind and they crushed it. Great job to all the girls- it was a true team effort, with everyone hitting their marks! A special thank you goes out to our wonderful coaches for doing such a great job in preparing these cheerleaders for success, despite some health obstacles. The teams have two more competitions left in the season, and look to continue their success with shine!
More About Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Boys 7th Basketball vs. Lincoln Middle School-Warren
Boys 7th BasketballThe 7th grade basketball team fought hard but came up short in a tough game against Lincoln Middle School, putting their record at 4-5. Semaj Henry led the team in scoring with 8 points, including two impressive three-pointers. Adrien Felton dominated the boards with a team-high 12 rebounds, while Bradley Sweitzer showcased exceptional hustle and strong team defense throughout the game.
More About Boys 7th Basketball vs. Lincoln Middle School-Warren
Boys 8th Basketball vs. Lincoln Middle School-Warren
Boys 8th BasketballThe 8th Grade Panthers' winning streak came to an end with a narrow loss to a good Lincoln team, 23 to 25. Despite being down double digits in the first half, the boys showed resilience, rallying back with intense pressure and a strong second-half push. Cade Case, Max Tozer, and Parker Honkanen were the standout players, each contributing 5 points to the effort. Murphy Whalen also had an exceptional game, reading the court well and driving to the basket effectively. While the Panthers fell short in the end, their determination and teamwork were evident throughout the game.
More About Boys 8th Basketball vs. Lincoln Middle School-Warren
Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Girls Middle School CheerleadingCongrats to our Competitive Cheer team for their performances at the Lakeshore competition on Saturday. The Black Team took second place overall, while the Gold Team came in fifth!! Hats off to these ladies, as they had to overcome illness and injury with a lot of last minute changes. They are a resilient group and they work really hard- we are all so proud! A special shout out to Celi Guajardo-Damron and Makayla Kirkland for stepping up when we needed them. Next up is the home Ram Rumble meet on Saturday. Go Panthers!
More About Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Boys 8th Basketball vs. Clawson Middle School
Boys 8th BasketballThe 8th grade Panthers secured another dominant win tonight, defeating Clawson with a final score of 43 to 17. Max Tozer led the way offensively, contributing 11 points, including three impressive three-pointers. Robert Grey, Max Halpin, and Roman Godboldo also turned out impressive offensive performances, pushing the ball at a fast pace, creating open opportunities for teammates and keeping the pressure on Clawson’s defense. Defensively, Michael Farmer and Max Porter were a formidable presence in the paint, controlling rebounds and disrupting Clawson's ball movement. Ryland Giannini had an all-around stellar performance, contributing in multiple facets of the game. The win pushes their record to 7-1, including four straight wins.
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Boys 7th Basketball vs. Clawson Middle School
Boys 7th BasketballThe Page 7th grade basketball team dominated on the road, defeating Clawson Middle School with a commanding score of 27-9! Leading the charge was Mayar AlSaba, who lit up the scoreboard with 13 points. Bradley Sweitzer, Ethan Grew, and Parker Stankrauff each added 4 points, showing great teamwork and determination. Great job guys!
More About Boys 7th Basketball vs. Clawson Middle School
Boys 8th Basketball vs. Wilkinson Middle School
Boys 8th BasketballThe 8th Grade basketball team extended their winning streak with a solid 42-31 victory over Wilkison. The team was led offensively by Amaree Foster’s 12 points, including a perfect 2-for-2 at the free throw line, while Brycen Potter contributed 9 points to the team’s total and played a key role in maintaining offensive momentum. On defense, Parker Honkanen, Cade Case, and Max Tozer provided relentless defensive pressure, forcing several turnovers and disrupting Wilkinson's offensive flow. Murphy Whalen showcased his versatility, contributing both offensively and defensively to help secure the win. Great game, guys!
More About Boys 8th Basketball vs. Wilkinson Middle School
Boys 7th Basketball vs. Wilkinson Middle School
Boys 7th BasketballThe Panthers boys’ 7th grade basketball team took a tough loss against Wilkinson Middle School yesterday. Leading the team in scoring were game captains Ethan Grew and Bradley Sweitzer, who gave commendable performances.
More About Boys 7th Basketball vs. Wilkinson Middle School
Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Girls Middle School CheerleadingOur two cheer teams competed against 34 other junior high school teams at the Stoney Creek Invitational and came in 6th (team Black) and 11th (team Gold) in our division. Coach Lisa and the other coaches are so proud of all of you! A special shout out to the flyers on team Black, Daphne Crouch, Heavenlie Peace Marissa Schulte, and Marilyn Goer, for hitting those 360 twist ups and sticking it!! Shout out, also, to team Gold for having no penalties and displaying an extremely clean routine- a huge accomplishment! Great job Panthers! Their next competition is the Shorian invite in St. Clair Shores on Saturday, January 18th, starting at 1 pm at Lake Shore High School. Please come support our ladies if you can!
More About Girls Middle School Cheerleading vs. OPEN
Boys 8th Basketball vs. Chatterton Middle School
Boys 8th BasketballThe 8th grade Panthers secured another impressive victory last night with a dominant 45-14 win over Chatterton. Amaree Foster was the standout player, leading the team with 14 points on his 14th birthday - an amazing performance to mark the occasion! Max Tozer contributed 9 points, while Robert Grey added 7. The team displayed great teamwork, applying solid pressure on defense, and effectively moving the ball around on offense. It was an all-around great effort, and the Panthers continue to build on their strong momentum.
More About Boys 8th Basketball vs. Chatterton Middle School
Boys 7th Basketball vs. Chatterton Middle School
Boys 7th BasketballThe Panthers 7th grade boys basketball team secured a thrilling 24-23 victory over Chatterton Middle School in a closely contested matchup. The team’s top scorers were game captains Ethan Grew and Bradley Sweitzer. Ethan led the way with a team-high 11 points, including three clutch 3-pointers. Bradley contributed 6 points and grabbed 8 rebounds. Key defensive efforts by Semaj Henry, Parker Stankruff, and Mayar Al Saba played a crucial role in preserving the win during the tense final moments of the game. Great job, Panthers!
More About Boys 7th Basketball vs. Chatterton Middle School
Boys 7th Basketball vs. Hazel Park Junior High School
Boys 7th BasketballThe 7th grade team lost to Hazel Park MS 34-28. Mayar AlSaba and Adrian Felton led the team in scoring. Ethan Grew and Bradley Sweitzer played a good all round game. Keep working, men. We have a lot of good season left in us!
More About Boys 7th Basketball vs. Hazel Park Junior High School