7th Grade Page Volleyball Team Roster
Updated on 12/09/2024
1 Martin, Rhilynn
2 Tosto, Taylin
4 Benoit, Josie
5 Guilmette, Ellie
6 Marentette, Mia
8 Johnson, Emma
10 Ricci, Harper
14 Guajardo-Damron, Aracelie
27 Hilla, Heidi
26 Kaufman, Erin
31 Davis, Fiona
32 Marshall, Jazzlyn
33 Jones-Swaney, Cara
35 Schell, Addyson
40 Louwers, Lillianna
Volleyball NO PRACTICE Dates
Updated on 09/26/2024
Volleyball Teams-
There will be NO PRACTICE on the following dates:
FRI Sept. 27th-
FRI Oct. 4th- NO SCHOOL for students (teacher meetings)
THURS Oct. 10th- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Please plan accordingly :-)

Volleyball Player/Family Team Meeting FRI Sept. 13th
Posted on 09/03/2024
Attention Page Volleyball players- a reminder that there will be a player/family team meeting Friday, September 13th at 5 pm in the Page auditorium after practice. Please contact your coaches if you have any questions.
8th Graders- Destiny.Carr@lamphereschools.org
7th Graders- Kristy.Henderson@lamphereschools.org