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Dual Team Participation During the Season

Dual participation
Players playing on the school teams may participate in up to TWO (2) events (either single game or weekend tournament) during the school season, so long as they don’t interfere with the school game or practice schedule.
EX: Chris can play in a weekend tournament on 3/7 - 3/9 (counts as one event) and then a single game on a Wednesday 3/26 (counts one event), but that’s it.

Players may practice with another team (i.e. travel, city/rec, etc.) but their school season/practices/games should take priority.
EX: If Sal has a travel baseball practice from 4 - 6:30 pm, but has school practice from 3:15 - 5 pm, they should honor the school team practice until it lets out at 5, and can then go join their travel practice immediately after, if they want. 
ATHLETES and FAMILIES: Please understand that some teams may involve cuts, which are at the discretion of the coach. John Page Middle School Coaches are entrusted to make the (justified) decisions they feel are in the best interest of the team.