
Posted on 11/04/2024
To all interested in Page Boys Basketball,
Page will be hosting tryouts for 7th and 8th grade boys basketball coming soon.
8th Grade BOYS BASKETBALL TRYOUTS will be MON and TUES Nov. 11th-12th ONLY, in the Page Main Gym from 4 - 5:30 pm.
7th Grade BOYS BASKETBALL TRYOUTS will be MON thru WEDS Nov. 11th-13th in the Page Main Gym from 3:15-4:30 pm.
Basketball players will want to bring appropriate basketball attire (athletic shorts, t-shirt, comfortable socks and basketball-appropriate shoes). No basketball is necessary.
If you have a current physical dated after April 15, 2024, you should be good to play and do not need a new one. However, if you do NOT have an active one (or it is set to expire soon), please be sure to get that arranged. ALSO, please be sure to enter your updated information into the Big Teams System.
If you have any sport-specific questions, we encourage you to contact the coach for your sport, and ask them directly. For coaching contact information, practice and game schedules, athletic resources, and a whole lot more, please visit our Page Athletics Site.
More information and a brief rundown of the Student-Athlete Responsibilities and Expectations can be found in this video (click here).
Good luck and have a great afternoon!
Mr. Chapman
Athletic Director
Page Middle School