8th Grade Page Volleyball Team Roster
Posted on 12/05/2024
3 Bochenek, Tinley
7 Thomas, Abbey
9 Luu, Uyen
11 Robbins, Charlotte
13 Webster, Aubrey
18 Lehr, Ava
21 Burton, Grace
22 Miller, Kinley
23 Hill, Payton
24 Rojas, Ava
28 Graham, Alanna
36 Pelker, Maggie
37 Didur, Marlo
38 Sides, Savannah
39 Cousino, Olivia
Volleyball NO PRACTICE Dates
Updated on 09/26/2024
Volleyball Teams-
There will be NO PRACTICE on the following dates:
FRI Sept. 27th-
FRI Oct. 4th- NO SCHOOL for students (teacher meetings)
THURS Oct. 10th- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Please plan accordingly :-)

Volleyball Player/Family Team Meeting FRI Sept. 13th
Posted on 09/03/2024
Attention Page Volleyball players- a reminder that there will be a player/family team meeting Friday, September 13th at 5 pm in the Page auditorium after practice. Please contact your coaches if you have any questions.
8th Graders- Destiny.Carr@lamphereschools.org
7th Graders- Kristy.Henderson@lamphereschools.org